This site is about foraging in the city. It promotes the idea that cities can become edible. That edible cities are a commons that all urban actors should strive to produce together.
Adrien Labaeye is taking the lead on this great new initiative dedicated to foraging and the urban food commons. The following texts are extracted from the Edible Cities website. which, among other things, features best practices, maps and resources.
Edible Cities Manifesto
We citizens of the cities claim the right to feed ourselves and find medicine from the urban landscape;
We call the city our garden;
We are aware that while foraging people reconnect with their food, its origins, its seasonality, and shape in nature;
We dream of growing edibles everywhere in the city;
We plant and disperse seeds without waiting for a public administration to tell us so;
We care for the edibles we feed from;
We pay attention to local regulations that protect sensitive areas and endangered species;
We are generally against commercial urban foraging (picking to sell) unless its for the common good;
We demand cities free of soil and air contamination, and free from any fertilizers and pesticides;
We share the knowledge of plants with everyone who is genuinely interested;
We find peace and comfort among nature, we honour and show gratitude to the plants and trees;
We respect the claims of all living creatures, human and non-human, to feed from plants and trees, but see the claim for life of any plant and tree superior;
We are part of nature, we are nature.
Edible Cities Resources
Resources. It lists various resources that are useful to learn about foraging: links, books, etc.
Maps. It provides an introduction to all the maps that can be used for foraging.
Manifesto. This is a manifesto of a group of committed foragers outlining what urban foraging can do to cities and the people who live there.
Good practice. This is a collection of principles on how to be a conscious forager.
The Edible Cities Indicator. It introduces the concept that the edibility of a city can be a good indicator of how sustainable a city is. Contact us to know more.