9 Oct 2019
For 24 hours we will jam on all the concepts and definitions for cosmo-localism. We intend to identify and flesh out all the killer ideas and concepts that make CL a profound vision and possibility for the 21st Century.
Many hands make light work, and the knowledge of CL is emergent and distributed. We can get to a first cut of the concepts better through the contribution of many experts and readers. Your ideas and perspective are needed
What will happen:
The editors for the cosmo-local reader (Sharon, Gien, Jose, Michel) will facilitate during the 24 hour period, will keep zoom conference window open to answer questions and discuss any issues, and contributors (you?) will make any contributions into the dictionary that they want.
Where will it happen:
The dictionary page is here.
People can begin to add ideas beforehand, or wait till the jam to add things.
This zoom link will stay open to allow for anyone to pop in, say hello, ask any questions and have a conversation if necessary.
Any contributors will be acknowledged in the dictionary.
* The dictionary will form part of the Cosmo-local reader, to be published early 2020.
The various proposed paradigm shifts may be of value. My view (and that of many others) is that a drastic reduction in the world population must occur in order to achieve real and lasting effects as far as reigning in global climate change and for the reduction in the over use of the world’s natural resources .
Can I suggest using a self-hosted tool like an Etherpad or a Cryptpad for the jam? Putting aside the ethical implication of driving traffic to corporate datafarms, a Goggle doc is unavailable to anyone in China and possibly other countries with censorious governments (except for those privileged enough to get a VPN working reliably). For future collaborative writing jams, I suggest contacting FLOSSManuals.net. Many of the freely licensed books they host are drafted via “book sprints”, using their free code BookType software.