from my Cataspanglish blog:
Michel Bauwens, founder of the P2P Foundation was in Barcelona again recently to speak at the Universidad Nomada in the Sala Conservas and I went along with Ricard Espelt & Gemma Urgell to film this interview with him for their #talkingabout series. #talkingabout is a paltform which aims to create participation around things, people & ideas worth, well, talking about through a system of videos, votes, comments etc which is open to anyone. I previously wrote about #talkingabout here and will be recording an interview with Ricard & Gemma soon.
Here’s a video which presents #talkingabout :
I also recorded an interview with Michel for the Citilab blog:
Here’s Michel’s presentation from the Universidad Nomada:
Everything open and free on Prezi
Ricard Espelt is also #talkingabout P2P Foundation here (in Catalan). Gemma Urgell is also #talkingabout P2P Foundation here (in Catalan).
Comment on the video at