Date archives "April 2007"

How to achieve monetary reform: consciousness vs. structure

I recently discovered Peter Koenig’s blog, and his work with workshops where people can investigate their ‘money consciousness’. So I updated our pages on the social production of money, with some of his articles, for example one with his hypotheses on the Future of Money, which are very congruent with our own. How then, does… Continue reading

Accelerating the drive to alternative trust and value systems

If you want to collaborate on the practical implementation of p2p-based exchange infrastructures, then keep the month of July 2007 free, and consider attending the workshops in Germany of the Detmold Collective. Among the goals cited are the following: * Trust enabled P2P Value Creation (hospitality, learning, media, activism, finance, production, trade, communication infrastructures, services,… Continue reading

On the need to create a new social layer on top of the internet

A contribution by François Rey, to update our Wiki entry on Augmented Social Networks. Francois Rey: There is a plethora of social networking websites, each being like an island on the web, unconnected with the others. The real social networking will happen when all these can connect and integrate with each other. Such idea can… Continue reading

Responding some more to Andrew Keen’s anti web 2.0 manifesto

taking on from where Michel left… 2. (Andrew Keen): The digital utopian much heralded “democratization” of media will have a destructive impact upon culture, particularly upon criticism. “Good taste” is, as Adorno never tired of telling us, undemocratic. Taste must reside with an elite (“truth makers”) of historically progressive cultural critics able to determine, on… Continue reading

Responding to Andrew Keen’s Anti-Web 2.0 Manifesto

Here is some quick commentary to the main points made in Andrew Keen’s Cult of the Amateur. My responses are in italics. AK-1. The cult of the amateur is digital utopianism’s most seductive delusion. This cult promises that the latest media technology — in the form of blogs, wikis and podcasts — will enable everyone… Continue reading

The case for the one laptop per child program

There are many critics, but here James Cascio argues that it will be a boon to participatory culture. Large excerpt from an article on his excellent blog on Open Futures. Excerpt: “I’m excited about the OLPC machine’s potential because it’s so clearly a revolutionary device, both in the sense of it having capabilities that nobody… Continue reading


Local peer-to-peer software that can be used to link computers directly via WIFI without a router. As reported by Network World: “When there are two computers in the same room, it doesn’t make sense that they must go out to the Internet to communicate. WiPeer’s main added value is the ability to keep things local.”

Interview on user-led innovation

Leonard Witt has just posted an interview with Eric von Hippel, the author of the strongly recommended book, The Democratization of Innovation, at the Topics include the advantages of freely revealing business and technical advances and the key role of lead users in social innovation. See our bookstore where you can order this book… Continue reading

Give Get Nation: person to person sharing infrastructure in the U.S.

We´re reproducing an item from William Shanley´s blog, explaining the rationale behind the Give Get Nation initiative. The story starts by describing the increasing rich-poor gap in the U.S., then describes an initiative that could be part of a set of solutions to reverse the trend. Excerpt: “Evolution Solutions, a young, New Haven, Connecticut-based Internet… Continue reading