Working with Noded teams

Is this the handbook to the new p2p-inspired work culture that we have been waiting for?

If you have read this book, please do tell us.

Noded – The untouchable business by Andreas Carlsson and Jaan Orvet is a book about starting and working in web powered Node teams.

It is about a new way of working, a way that doesn’t require you to turn your whole world on its head or to buy lots of things. The book explains why working in a Noded team is based on logical and natural ways of interacting with people, nurturing ideas, and simply doing a better job without the constraints of everything that comes with traditional “office life”.

It also shows how easy it is to become a web worker; a person who uses the web for communicating, networking, creating, and delivering the results of their work.”

2 Comments Working with Noded teams

  1. AvatarJaan

    Hi Michel,
    Thank you for featuring our book. Please let us know what you think of it if you have a chance to read it.

    All the best,

  2. AvatarMichel Bauwens

    Unfortunately, I don’t have the time for now, my reading schedule is already overflowing. But why not offer a review copy to our community of academic researchers, which has its own email list?


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