A call for proposals for the ‘Design For Next’ international conference was recently published. This event will bring people from all over the world in Rome to explore two different large questions:
- What is Design for the Next? and
- What is the ‘Next’ focus for Design?
Conference theme
“Contemporary shifts in society, technology, production are reframing design processes, approaches and tools. While professionals, educators and researchers are questioning the next stage of innovation, design is evolving as a wide open field with many applications and meanings. More than ever it is important to investigate through design research and practice in order to tackle the societal, technological and industrial shifts of the future. The 12th EAD Conference is hosted by Sapienza University of Rome in Italy, and it will foster discussion among designers, academics and experts about the articulated scenario of contemporary design and its perspectives, with intent to nurture diversity and interdisciplinarity.
‘Design for Next…’ is the title and topic of the Conference: ‘Next’ implies the concept of proximity as well as of destination, related to time and to physical space. The conference seeks to discover future fields of investigation in design, as well to discover and to connect the space and the people who share common interests in design research.
We invite contributions from professionals, academics and students to address the following questions with their own research, projects and experiences: What is Design for the Next? And what is the ‘Next’ focus of Design?
The Conference is organized into 9 parallel tracks in order to address 9 wide fields of Design for Next… Aesthetics | Economy | Education | Environment | Health | Industry | Society | Technology | Thinking. Each track will center around a keyword to engage and tackle the different fields of Design research and practice. Together, in this process, we will draw the big picture of Next Design…
Key Dates
- Aug 15, 2016 – Deadline for Paper Abstract
- Sep 15, 2016 – Notification of acceptance of Paper Abstract
- Nov 15, 2016 – Deadline for Full Paper, Poster and Workshop
- Jan 15, 2017 – Notification of acceptance of Full Paper, Poster and Workshop
- April 12-14, 2017 – Design for Next Conference
General information
– The language of the conference is English and all submissions must be in English.
– A double blind peer review process will be used both for abstracts and full papers.
– Initial submissions must be anonymous and must not contain the name(s) of the author(s) or any reference to their affiliation. This information must be included only in the camera-ready paper after the full paper acceptance notification.
– Proceedings will be published digitally with an ISBN by Taylor and Francis and best papers will be included in a Special issue of Design Journal.
– Submissions will be published in the proceedings if (at least one of) the authors register to the conference to present the work.
– Submissions of proposals are to be made through the Conference Management System, where registered authors will have access to the evaluations of their works. For more information and a link to the conference management system, please click on the ‘SUBMIT!’ button provided on the conference website (designfornext.org).
– Submissions that do not comply with the submission rules will be excluded from the evaluation process and proceedings publication.”
Additional information on this call for proposals can be found here.