Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything, by Don Tapscott and Anthony D. Williams
[via that Directory of Wonderful Things]
Wikinomics is Don Tapscott’s latest book — a business-book version of the story of collaborative, Internet-based creativity. Tapscott and his co-author, Anthony D Williams, delve into the world of collective action online and talk about which business-approaches to this action work, and which ones fail. If you’re tired of being bombarded by rip-off, clueless clones of Flickr and Delicious (or if you want to avoid making one), then this is the book.
Territory, authority, rights: From medieval to global assemblages, by Saskia Sassen
[From the Eurozine interview, Denationalized states and global assemblages]
In my new book, I argue that the formal political system accommodates less and less of the political today. Hence informal forms and spaces of the political become increasingly important today…
Important to my analysis are two other points. One is the role of space. There are kinds of spaces that are particularly enabling, and I think large messy cities, especially global cities, are such spaces…
Secondly, I argue that today the multinational corporation, which is a private legal persona, also functions as an informal political actor at a time when the globalizing of the economy requires that national states change some of their key laws and regulations so that there is a global space for the operations of these firms…
Organized Networks: Media Theory, Creative Labour, New Institutions by Ned Rossiter
[From The Institute of Network Cultures]
The celebration of network cultures as open, decentralized, and horizontal all too easily forgets the political dimensions of labour and life in informational times. Organized Networks sets out to destroy these myths by tracking the antagonisms that lurk within Internet governance debates, the exploitation of labour in the creative industries, and the aesthetics of global finance capital. Cutting across the fields of media theory, political philosophy, and cultural critique, Ned Rossiter diagnoses some of the key problematics facing network cultures today. Why have radical social-technical networks so often collapsed after the party? What are the key resources common to critical network cultures? And how might these create conditions for the invention of new platforms of organization and sustainability? These questions are central to the survival of networks in a post-dotcom era. Derived from research and experiences participating in network cultures, Rossiter unleashes a range of strategic concepts in order to explain and facilitate the current transformation of networks into autonomous political and cultural ‘networks of networks’.
Communities Dominate Brands: Business and marketing challenges for the 21st century, by Tomi T Ahonen and Alan Moore
[Via FutureText]
[This] is a book about how the new phenomenon of digitally connected communities are emerging as a force to counterbalance the power of the big brands and advertising.
The book explores the problems faced by branding, marketing and advertising facing multiple radical changes in this decade. Communities Dominate Brands discusses how disruptive effects of digitalisation and connectedness introduce threats and opportunities. The authors compellingly illustrate how modern consumers are forming communities and peer-groups to pool their power resulting in a dramatic revolution of how businesses interact with their customers. The book provides practical guidance of how to move from obsolete interruptive advertising to interactive engagement marketing and community based communications, with dozens of real business examples from around the world.
Digital Utopia, by Andrew Keen
[Lifted off Experientia]
“Andrew Keen warns against the dangers of embracing technology’s level playing field. Keen, 46, a former professor and philosopher turned tech entrepreneur, published a tract this year, ‘Web 2.0 Is Reminiscent of Marx‘, and is working on a book lambasting ‘The Cult of the Amateur‘.â€
“Keen dismisses what he calls the ‘militant and absurd’ buzzwords of Web 2.0: Empowering citizen media, radically democratize, smash elitism, content redistribution, authentic community.â€
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