2 Comments The social basis of McCain

  1. AvatarMichel Bauwens

    Dear Zbigniew,

    Though the p2pfoundation’s identity is pluralist, and this is well evidenced by the plurality of views that are covered both in the wiki and blog, and though the core of the coverage is on all things p2p, I think it it legitimate to stray over that line on occasion. What is evidenced in that video is a proto-fascist movement in the US, and there can be more anti-P2P trend than that. If we want to guard against a type of authoritarianism that would make p2p developments possible, then people need to know what kind of social forces McCain is playing with. Of course, there are other social forces in the Republican Party, some of them sympathetic to p2p developments, and we are totally open to dialogue around common ground on those aspects.

    I also never made a secret that within the pluralism of the debate, my own view on this is the emancipatory potential of peer to peer puts it within the left tradition, but again, that is just my own view,


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