The “opening up perspective” for ethical for-benefit funds

This opening-up perspective/philosophy can apply to many/most aspects of an organization’s value chain – from the very nature of the business, to research, to product development, to operations, to organizational structure and beyond.

Ability Capital in Australia is trying to create a Wealth Commons.

Here is an aspect of their work, “opening up”:

“Long have passed the days where firms can be expected to sustainably innovate without absorbing ideas, talent, products and other artefacts from the the outside and mashing these up internally before going to an existing or new market either in their own right or via other external channels, and even spining off ventures. Such open innovation is practiced by notable corporates such as Proctor & Gamble and Virgin Atlantic.

The opening-up of the creation/production process has a number of forms including open source, where the end product (such as software) is available for deep inspection/modification and end use via a number of relatively open licencing arrangements. Open innovation and open source are not necessarily incompatible but often open innovation produced stronger IP rights for the firm than does open source.

This opening-up perspective/philosophy can apply to many/most aspects of an organization’s value chain – from the very nature of the business, to research, to product development, to operations, to organizational structure and beyond. Since Ability Capital‘s philosophy is towards the creation of a wealth commons, it is natural that we should be thinking how the opening-up perspective can apply in any of its own undertakings. So let us consider Investment Management 2.0 (IM 2.0) and be even potentially provocative in suggesting various areas that could be openned up.”

Read the details here!

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