Mark Surman and David Eaves and a number of mostly Canadian friends started a great initiative to think through trends associated with openness and to map “all things open”, which is called Open Everything.
They are organizing a three day retreat in September to continue mapping and exploring this.
Heather Ford of iCommons has built on this work to present a first visualization of the open universe which you can find at Slideshare.
Given the comprehensive material already available at the p2pfoundation wiki, I decided to offer my own contribution to the mapping project by bringing all entries featuring open or ‘open source’ together in a new topic zone.
The result is that we have nearly 400 entries on open concepts, movements, and initiatives, which you can find here.
We have the various open definitions, and we are now starting to add more documentation: we have a comprehensive lists of audio podcasts already available, and in 2-3 days, we’ll finish adding the webcasts.
More information at
If you want to help out with this work of collating and organizing information, please contact us. I intend to do a similar project for ‘all things free’ and the ‘commons everything’.
When this is finished we will have a comprehensive resource bringing together the three paradigms of peer to peer: open and free input, participatory processes, and commons oriented output.
If you want to sample our material, here’s an example of the podcasts we have collated:
1. Alan Rosenblith on Open Money Protocols and Agreements; Open Money Blogtalk Radio ; Open Money as a Commons
2. Anne Margulies on Open Courseware ; Steve Carson on MIT OpenCourseware
3. Barbara Aronson on Open Access to Biomedical Research in Developing Countries ; David Lipman on Open Science and Biology
4. Conversation on Open Access Publishing
5. Ben Haggarty on Open Source Storytelling
6. Bill Allison and Greg Elin on Open Government Initiatives ; Greg Elin on Open Data from the US Government
7. Bill Witherspoon on Open Book Management
8. Bob Sutor on Open Source and Open Standards at IBM ; Bob Sutor on Open Standards vs Open Source
9. Brenda Dayne on Knitting as an Open Craft
10. Business Interests in Open Content
11. David Glazer on OpenSocial
12. David Orban and Roberto Ostinelli on Open Spime
13. David Wiley on Learning Objects, Openness and Localization ; David Wiley on the Open Education Movement
14. Economics of Open Archives
15. Evan Prodromou on Open Microblogging
16. Greg Whisenant on Open Crime Data
17. Marc Canter on Open Standards and Structured Blogging
18. Melissa Hagemann on the Open Access Movement; John Willinsky on Open Access to Academic Literature and Open Education
19. Open API and the Commons ; Web 2.0 and Open APIs
20. Open Business Models ; Social Commerce and Open Business Models
21. Open Congress Downloads ; Open Congress on Creativity and the Public Domain
22. Open Curatorial Practices
23. Open Identity and Identity Brokers ; OpenID Podcast
24. Open Media Directory
25. Open Spectrum Panel ; Spectrum Policy, Open Networks, and a Free Society
26. Richard Baraniuk on Open Textbooks and Open Educational Resources
27. Richard Poynder on Open and Free Developments
28. Ronaldo Lemos on Open Culture in Brazil
29. Simon Phipps on Open Formats
30. Taking Action on Free Culture and Open Access on University Campuses
31. Economics of Open Content Symposium ; Economics of Open Text
32. Tim Hubbard on Open Access to Medicines
33. Wendy Seltzer on Open Law
I welcome this initiative very much and hope this is the long-awaited breakthrough where “quantity turns into quality”. Maybe the people gathered could also take up the proposal to hold a “global open everything award” rewarding quality, useability and innovation. There is a standing offer by Peter Weibel to host such a “competition”.
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