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“Over the past four years, a root network of pioneers, future-hunters and visionaries has been quietly growing underground. From a small initial seed, the Next Edge has blossomed to a diverse global community that is now thousands strong and thinking every day about the challenges of our time.
Collectively, we hold an impressive amount of wisdom and a wide diversity of perspectives and understandings of the systems that make the world go – and of what makes them fall short of what’s needed in these times of accelerating change. Now, many of us sense the time has come to go beyond sensemaking and into doing together. How can we invest more deeply in each other? How might we become much more than the sum of our parts? This is the challenge we are taking on with this Festival.”
Centre Culturel Georges-Vanier, Montreal, June 13
The Next Edge opens up in Montreal for one day!
The Next Edge Summit is an opportunity for local innovators and civic leaders of Montreal to get “Aha moments” by engaging with Next Edge ideas – and for the Next Edge to discover the awesomeness that has been bubbling up in Montreal. (see: What is the Next Edge?)
In the morning, we will have people share their rich stories about transformational change, and facilitate conversation around those stories.
In the afternoon, participants will have the opportunity to support each other on their projects using an efficient collaboration process called the Project Kitchen. There will be Open Space sessions running throughout the day.
And in the evening, we will have a music jam (bring your instruments) and a dance party to celebrate the day!
The Next Edge Summit is not your ordinary conference – it is participative and emergent by design.
We know that nowadays people mainly go to events to meet and engage with other attendees. To get a taste of who will be there and what’s on offer, check out our growing Co-Creators page.
Here’s a small sample of the amazing people from around the world who are on the next edge of economics, organizational structure, food, education co-creating this event :
Christine Egger from Tennessee (USA) who works at Neighborhood Economics, which is accelerating the flow of capital through neighborhoods across a network of small towns and cities.
Arthur Brock from Woodstock (NY), who designed an educational model for self-organizing schools that is spreading rapidly called Agile Learning Centers, and who is building a distributed computing infrastructure to build new wealth.
Barbara Ganley, who is working to help the Vermont nonprofit community develop a storytelling network/exchange/community of practice to share process, practice, & expertise in storytelling-for-change.
Anna Betz from London (UK), who cofounded the School of Commoning, and is bringing together health care systems and community.
Michelle Holliday from Montreal (Canada), who has worked extensively on organizations as living systems and thrivability.
George Pór from London (UK), a collective intelligence practitioner with a focus on taking self-management to scale and an uncanny ability to ask powerful questions.
Chloe Waretini from Christchurch (New Zealand), a 21st century community weaver, designer and participation geek who is innovating at the edge of the future of work, human organisation and re-making cities.
The event is limited to 100 people, so be sure to register as soon as you know you want to come!
Summit Earlybird pricing ($190 + PayPal transaction fee) is open until June 5. After that the fee will be $240 + transaction fee.