The mechanics of governance of the Indiano phyle

Part 2 of the recently translated founding document of the Indianos.

On the Assembly of the Indianos

The Assembly of the Indianos is the highest decision-making institution of the Indiano phyle. It will meet in person upon convocation of the governor at least once a year.

It decides:

The percentage of the total available surplus to be allocated to the funds. The total available surplus is the sum of the available surpluses from each working group.

How this budget will be distributed among the different funds.

The directives for the use of the funds and for the development of the structural projects.


It will evaluate the performance of the teams in fund management.
It will endorse the appointment of new governors and dogos through a qualified vote.
It will dictate the guidelines of the mobility of the Indianos between the different projects and groups, reconciling the economic possibilities, the structures of each project and the priorities of personal and professional developmentof each Indiano.
It will be sovereign in the formation of ad-hoc work groups for purposes which the Assembly considers opportune, and which may be provided with extraordinary funds of their own.
It will approve or reject, through a qualified vote, the incorporation or departure of new people from the demos.

On working groups

The Indianos commit to promoting, when proposing new projects and undertakings, whether their own or with partners, a working group statute that specifies:

The need to get the approval of the working group for any incorporation into itself.

A clear system of co-responsibility in the project based on the self-organization of agreement on objectives, which includes mechanisms to manage a part of the surplus.

On structural projects

Structural projects are those cooperatives, associations, and societies made up exclusively of Indianos and dedicated to developing specific functions específicas for the development of the phyle with strategic orientation from the Assembly of the Indianos.

The structural projects are:

The Art of Things (S. Co-op). An incubator which administers venture funds and support for new projects. It administrates capitalization funds for new projects and support for existing projects, and organizes the mobility of the Indianos between projects and working groups in accordance with the directives of the Assembly.

The Library of the Indies (association). A center for training, digital publishing, and social action in the broader surroundings. It administrates the training funds and funds for development of the surroundings, and takes care of publishing and promoting the commons as books and documentation, in accordance with the directives of the Assembly.

Also, some Indiano cooperatives, which gain their autonomy in the market, are structural projects with respect to certain concrete functions:

The Cooperative Society of the Electronic Indies, our foundational project, is in charge of the general care of the phyle, sustaining the deliberative structure and coordination among the groups between assemblies. It has the job of logistically organizing the assemblies, as well as electing and sustaining the governor and the Dogo, after their endorsement by the Assembly.

Enkidu (S. Coop. Peq.) This is the development platform for free software and the structure of the phyle’s servers, and is in charge of the coordination and development of the commons which is published inthe form of free software.

On the governor

The governors are the external representives of the Indiano phyle, the voice of command in crisis situations, and the ones who are responsible for executing the agreements of the assemblies on the allocation of funds.

They watch over the Indiano “mood,” the tone and dynamic of the community, and are the executive principle in situations of scarcity, as well as the coherence of the economic and social strategy.

They are elected among and by the members of the Society of the Electronic Indies, and endorsed by the Assembly of the Indianos.

On the Dogo

The Indiano Dogo is a figure of special intellectual prestige, distinguished as a colaborating partner of the Cooperative Society of the Electronic Indies and endorsed — when it changes — by consensus of the Assembly of the Indianos.

It represents and publicly projects the “genius” of the phyle, its debate and fundamental concerns, which it instigates and regenerates through its contributions.

This figure will give a talk to open Indiano assemblies. Its principle task is to remind the Indianos that the logic of the economic structure should not absorb community life, nor should decision supplant deliberation, endangering the supremacy of the community and its members over their business.

On funds

Funds are the budgetary expression of the activity and the strategy of the Indiano phyle. There are five:

Well-being fund. Oriented towards gaining health and assistance benefits for the Indianos and their families, it will be managed by an organizational form that will be created expressly for it.

Training fund. It provides access to training for the Indianos, whether through their own activities or financing participation in external training. It will be managed through the Library of the Indies.

Fund for the development of our surroundings. This is destined to put real projects in motion in our surroundings that facilitate access to free infrastructure and knowledge that then allow for productive developments. It will be managed through the Library of the Indies.

Capitalization fund for new projects and support for existing projects. A common reserve fund destined to capitalize productive projects. It will be managed by the Art of Things, the phyle’s new project incubator.

Extraordinary funds. These are created ad hoc to launch concrete initiatives decided on by the assembly.

On the qualified vote and the reform of the foundation

A qualified vote is one which expresses a majoritarian consensus, which is to say, when it includes 2/3 of the Indianos when all the groups are present, or 3/4 when 3/4 of the groups are present.

This foundation may be transformed through consensus developed in deliberation and endorsed in the assembly through the qualified vote of the Indianos.”

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