The language pages at the P2P Foundation

A comment by Bas Reus on our previous statistical review of the relative popularity of our categories, reminded me that we did not include the language pages in our review.

Our P2P Foundation Wiki has pages in Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and Thai. But the 2 most popular are the French pages, maintained by Remi Sussan, and our Dutch pages, by Bas Reus:

Language Statistics

Our Dutch pages, , 1,503 times.

Our French-language pages,, 2,028 times.

Please note that we also have a list of 62 recommended articles, essays and reports, at , 1,623 times.

However, the really basic essays on P2P, are specially selected here at (viewed 2,449 times)

This is a selection of 18 key essays that we recommended everyone should be reading, and have been instrumental in generating my own insights.

Here they are:

Let me repeat the same remark as before. This page views only reflect direct access to the overview pages, and are a comparatively minor part of the usage of the Wiki, which totals 500,000 plus visitors since January 2006.

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