Terje Bongard was treated with the same ignorance by the Research Counsil of Norway, as Galileo Galilei was by the inquisition |
The handicap principle is a concrete force, it’s the driver of human behaviour and interaction, and we can use this force for good or for evil.
The handicap principle is there, just like the sun is there. We can learn to harvest its energy, like with solar energy, for the benefit of human civilization.
The Research Council of Norway didn’t understand this fact. If Terje Bongard’s application was for harvesting solar energy, he would most surely got fundings for his research project MEDOSS.
The Research Council of Norway is just as narrow minded as the inquisition, those men who didn’t accept that the Sun is the centre of our solar system. The same way is the handicap principle the force that directs human behaviour.
Here is the answer I gave to a comment from my friend Vera Bradova:
The RID-Model is a down-up system, but as a democracy it has to include everyone. If one hawk is free to predate on the system, it will fail. It has to include everyone into the system, so it has to be implemented top-down, as you say. It has to be equal for everyone at once.
The RID-model will be focused around production, every in-group to be responsible for their own little part of the production system. This is because the production system is what threatens our survival, still it’s outside of democratic control.
What is the point of the ingroup-model is to harvest the fruits from the “positive” side of the handicap principle, which is the driver of human behavior. This “good force” we can use to organize every aspect of society. No matter how it comes alive, bottom up or top down, the fruits of this force are the same, cooperation, sacrificing, modesty etc.
You see this aspect of the handicap-principle most clearly among the social flock bird the arabian babbler, which Amotz Zahavi, the “founder” of the handicap-principle, studied in the Negev Desert for 40 years. See the book: The handicap principle: A Missing Piece of Darwin’s Puzzle. 1997, Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. By Amotz and Avishag Zahavi.
On the contrary, our capitalist and modernist system, almost entirely grows the “dark side of the force”, the “janus face” of human nature. Terje Bongard exemplifies this in his book “The biological human being” (http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/the-biological-human-being-individuals-and-societies-in-light-of-evolution-first-chapter/2014/01/30) with using the Australian satin bowerbird as an example of a “capitalist”, that mean growing the “destructive” force of the handicap principle in human society. If a society is organized around this side of the handicap principle, you get a bunch of egoists.
Earlier people instinctively organized to harvest the benefits from the handicap principle, like in the tribe. Or in the alexandrine pattern 37: http://www.patternlanguage.com/apl/aplsample/apl37/apl37.htm
The RID-Model would create the ultimate commons, dissolving both the market and the state, making us all part of a superorganism. Where every individual had an equal say. This is a highly scientific model stemming from the best knowledge available about human behavioral biology.
Terje Bongard’s RID-Model is a gateway to create the ultimate commons for humanity. A key to give back hope for future generations and our Earth. |
Terje Bongard’s book “The Biological Human Being“, preliminary only in Scandinavian language, gives the answers to what a human being really is. It explains why we act as we do, and reveals how we can use inherited biological drivers to design for cooperation and sustainability. |
A model of the ultimate representative democracy, adjusted for Norway. Larger nations will need one more level of ingroups. |
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