The Esperanto economy is booming

Excerpted from Las Indias:

“Internet itself seems to have fueled Esperanto as idealistic Zamenhof’s pacifism couldn’t imagine. Today the big global associations of the Esperanto world are in crisis, as almost all decentralized structures are. They surely are too XXth century for this time of distributed communications and P2P communities. But the social fabric of esperantism is boiling. More than 2 million speakers and growing thanks to free elearning, and surprising growth in new countries as Brazil or China is just part of the story. The most interesting for us: the new local-transnational economy experiences developed by esperanto-communities. And as a part of them some transnational Esperanto speaking groups, who have take advantage of their own transnational nature in order to create firms, coops, schools and even universities in order to ensure the autonomy of it members and develop their characteristic commons. They are indeed prafileoj, pre-phyles. Lets have a look on some of them.

Esperanta Civito, with more than 200 members and an internal bank for financing projects in countries as Spain or Ghana, this organization based in half a dozen countries looks for the recognition under the international law of it members as citizens without a territorial state, but with passport, as the Malta Order, the Vatican and other already recognized transnational groups.

E@I. The creators of lernu!, membered by a dozen young developers, language experts and economists from four different European countries, they has later sold elearning solutions to the international promotion of Slovakia and Germany, positioning theirselves between the most important elearning providers in the continent.
Intraespo, an international network of entrepreneurs origined in Brazil and based now in three countries, dedicated to generate
and interconnect autonomous markets of communities and small business who speaks the neutral language.

Ideek. With half a dozen members, this workers’ owned web development firm based in Belgium has members from Netherlands and Brazil are a clear example of the new kind of democratic firm witch are blooming in «Esperantio» continuing the tradition of esperantic cultural firms as Vinilkosmo records.

Kosmo, strategic consultancy focused in gaining sponsoring and financial sources for the Esperanto movement. Founded in Scotland is based in Brussels and Italy too.
Universitato. University professors of five continents organizing multilocal and online postdegree courses.
And so on, and so on, and so on…

They are not the biggest economic democratic communities in the world, but there is no other environment were transnationality and economic democracy so naturally mix. The result is an increasing number of iniciatives. Esperanto economy is blooming and probably it is time to take them seriously.”

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