We’are creating this page, so that you have direct access to the continuing debate on peer production. Do click on the individual entries, so that you have access to the comments as well, as there is a lot of added material there as well.
It started with Dmytri Kleiner’s original posting reviewing and critiquing the theories of Yochai Benkler and Lawrence Lessig presented at the WOS 4 conference (see also the comments).
These comments were presented with additional commentary by Michel Bauwens, here on Lessig, and here on Benkler.
Kleiner reacts to my commentary here, and I reply rather extensively here.
Many of the issues, about the appropriation of wealth, are covered in the series of contributions by Adam Arviddson on the Ethical Economy, which we published in five parts on our blogs, followed by 3 further contributions on the Ethical Economy debate. We will do a separate recap page of this sister debate.