From Have you ever wondered what it’s like to own a TV Channel? Well, now you can be one of the owners of a new TV channel called Ignite TV. The media has long been controlled by a select few and they have often used this platform irresponsibly and arguably contributed significantly to shaping the worldview that has brought us to this ”perfect place of storm’.
The founder of this Revolutionary Initiative, Ferial Puren, puts it this way “The world as we know it has progressively adopted a Consumerist, Capitalistic, Individualistic worldview that has impacted the entire ecosystem by creating a social, environmental and spiritual divide. Our society, you, me and our governments at large recognize and feel the repercussions of these divides. This feeling is reflected in the fact that 9 out of every 10 people on this planet agree that our world is not an ideal world and 80% of us don’t like what we do and how we express ourselves in this world, which makes us unhappy, unfulfilled and dissatisfied.”
Ignite TV will adopt the STOP, RESET, GO concept throughout it’s reporting to inspire an awakening and re-connect us to each other and our eco-system so that we can find solutions to our greatest challenges and co-create the world we want.
About STOP, RESET & GO Collective…
Stop Reset Go is a growing collective of change agents who seek your support to co-create an open, digital framework for the commons, enabling citizens, entrepreneurs, activists, communities and distributed initiatives around the world to come out of their silos, converge and effectively share resources to build the future of humanity.
About Ignite life…
Ignite life aims to inspire an awakening within human beings to a greater consciousness to recognize the impact of these 3 major societal divides. We do this in an effort to play our role well in addressing the root causes of our challenges and being part of creating a circular economy that supports and nurtures happy, successful life.
How to get involved?
To achieve their collective goals, a crowdfunding campaign has been organized to bring together the collaborators and co-creators from around the world to support this movement of Conscious Awakening, and together help build the tools for a better society.
So, for as little as $1 you could get in on the action, and or by sharing this initiative with your friends, family and other change makers. The Ignite TV crew is also giving you some very creative rewards for your solidarity, such as cool STOP RESET GO Merch, On-Screen Credits, TV face time, a democratic vote on any major decisions about the Channel – no matter how much or little you contribute, a chance to be in the centre of the action at the launch event in Edinburgh, Scotland in November 2017 but most importantly a rare opportunity to join your fellow humans in co-creating the future.
So, if you wish to be part of inspiring change, head over to the Ignite TV Campaign Page and show your support:
And OR help spread the word by pledging your support on:
Video Link:
Contact Information
Ferial Puren
skype: Ferial Puren