John Stewart is the author of Evolution’s Arrow, a book that argued that evolution itself has evolved. Evolution has progressively improved the ability of evolutionary mechanisms to discover the best adaptations. And it has discovered new and better mechanisms. The book looked at the evolution of pre-genetic, genetic, cultural, and supra-individual evolutionary mechanisms. In an update, the Evolutionary Manifesto, Stewart then posited that a next stage of human evolution would require the conscious ‘intentional’ participation of humanity itself. But how to achieve this?
In order to answer this question, John recently completed a document entitled ‘Strategies for Advancing Evolution‘. It sets out to identify the next great steps in evolution on Earth, and devise strategies that will help actualize those steps. In particular, the paper considers how an evolutionary movement can be built that will have the intelligence and power to do what is necessary to advance the evolutionary process. It focuses on the goal of moving to a unified and sustainable global society, and considers in some detail strategies for achieving a a viable response to global warming.
You can find it here.