Seminar 2010
Theme: Co-creation, co-governance and peer-to-peer production in public services
Date Friday 22 of October 2010
Place: Aalto University – School of Art and Design
Hämeentie 135 C – Media Center Lume – Sampo HallOrganizers: Aalto University, Special Interest Group ?Co-p2p with the support of Aalto University Service Factory
Program9:00-9:15 Registration and coffee (Lume foyer)
9:15-9:30 Welcoming words
9:30-10:30 KeyNote
Professor Susanne Bødker – University of Aarhus10:30 – 11:45 Cases
Short presentations (5-10 min) that introduce ongoing experimentations in Finland that relate to the topics of the seminar and the SIG members’ work. Followed by Questions and discussion.1)Petra Turkama, Researcher [Aalto – School of Economics]
Save Energy Helsinki is a Helsinki school Pilot case in Pihkapuisto and Alamalmi schools on empowering users to participate in the energy management of the building.2)Teemu Ropponen, Researcher – [Aalto School of Science and Engineering]
Monimos is a social media service around international mindedness, immigration and integration, which has been co-designed by a group of immigrants & organizations, with the facilitation of researchers and the Finnish Ministry of Justice.3) Sirkka Minkkinen – [Active Seniors Association]
(+ Andrea Botero – Aalto-School of Art and Design)
Loppukiri is the outcome of a six year project of the Active Seniors Association. The association was founded in August 2000 to introduce the concept of a housing community for elderly people based on neighborliness, self-help and community spirit guided by open decision-making process.4) Pirjo Tulikukka, Executive director [Helka ry – Helsinki Neighbourhoods Association] (+Liisa Horeli – Aalto School of Science and Technology +Joanna Saad-Sulonen – Aalto -School of Art and Design)
The Helka network is a non-governmental organization founded in 1964. Its mission is to activate and bring together residents and local actors in the Helsinki City area. Central task of Helka is to convey information and to enhance dialogue between the City of Helsinki and its residents. With the ongoing support from Helsinki City Government Helka has established a city wide network of neighbourhood web pages, after over a decade of experimentation and pilot work.11:45 – 13:30 Lunch discussions
Tables with different themes will be organized for participants to join and discus while having lunch. Each Table will be host by one of the SIG members involved that will moderate the discussion (TBA)13:30 – 14:30 Keynote
Professor Victor Pestoff – Institute for Civil Society Studies, Stockhom Sweden14:30 – 15:30 Cases
Short presentations (5-10 min) that introduce an ongoing experimentation in Finland that relate to the topic. Followed by questions and discussion.1) A-Kliinikka saatio
Voimapiiri is a service that offers information and support to those concerned about their own, or a close one, use of drugs or games. The service is co-produced by different stakeholders and users themselves (technical base are short text messages)2) Ruby van der Wekken – Founder of Stadin Aikapankki [Helsinki Time-bank]
Stadinaikapankki its meant for all inhabitants of Helsinki and its surroundings that are interested in offering their time and skills to their communities, and at the same time receive some help for their everyday life’s. The time-bank runs on a virtual currency called “tovi” that is roughly the equivalent of and hour.3) Pauliina Seppälä – Refugee Hospitality Group
Refugee Hospitality Club is an open volunteer network of people and organizations from the downtown Helsinki area, working in cooperation with the staff of two reception centres for asylum seekers in Helsinki. The club aims to offer a meeting point for all residents to share experiences and do things together.4) TBA
15:30 – 16:00 Round up and conclusions (with coffee)
Registration and attendance detailsSeminar is free and open to all interested.
NOTE: Due to space limitations prior registration is required for all those attending. Lunch discussions are limited to 50 participants.
Online registration form will be available in this section very soon.
Keynotes are open to all the Aalto University community
VenueThe seminar takes place at Aalto University School of Art and Design. Sampo Hall (Auditorium) of Lume Center.
[From Seminar 2010 | Co-creation, co-governance and peer-to-peer production of public services]