Worth mentioning again: Richard Poynder continues to interview and profile luminaries of the various “open” (access, data, content, etc…) movements. It’s an extraordinary record of our changing times and knowledge practices.
Here’s a sample:
– with Peter Murray-Rust:
who “is working at the frontline of what has been dubbed Science 2.0, an online interactive environment where a great deal of the information used is more likely to have been discovered, aggregated and distributed by software and machines than it is by humans; an environment where data are constantly used and reused — pumped through new tools like RSS feeds, and displayed in mashups, wikis, and the various other tools developing around Open Notebook Science.”
Also noteworthy are the recent interviews with open access advocates Peter Suber and Steven Harnad, but there’s a lot more.
About two years ago, I shared my personal background with Richard, explaining how we came to create the P2P Foundation, see interview part one and two.
We are keeping track of P2P-related interviews here.