Richard Miller on the new literacies for learning

You should have seen Dr. Miller present this live … he used an iMovie and spoke the text off the top of his head as it played. Incredible messages, incredible visualization, incredible delivery. Was one of the best keynotes I’ve ever seen…

The following presentation is strongly recommended by Kevin Jarrett:

as you will see in this video, Dr. Miller’s message is about something new as well, what he calls the “new humanities,” the technology-fueled convergence of visual, audible, textual and informatical literacies that represent, in his view, the future of human communication. A future, indeed, for which we are not prepared, largely because no pedagogies exist to teach it.

It is also fitting because Dr. Miller uses Dr. King’s work in an example of how these combined literacies allow us to explore, learn, interpret and represent ideas in new, original, powerful ways.

The ease with which he tells his story, shares his vision, and demonstrates the power of these literacies – and their role in the new humanities – is a staggeringly beautiful thing to see.”

Part One

Part Two

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