Report: open standards, open source, and open innovation should be adapted as public policy

Reposted from Linux Devices:

A business- and university-led public policy group has issued a downloadable 72-page report examining open standards, open source software, and “open innovation.” The report concludes that openness should be promoted as a matter of public policy, in order to foster innovation and economic growth in the U.S. and world economies.

The report was released by the Committee for Economic Development (CED), a non-profit, non-partisan public policy research organization comprised of about 200 senior corporate executives and university leaders. The report resulted from a project within CED’s Digital Connections Council (DCC), which is chaired by Paul M. Horn, SVP of research at IBM. The project was directed by Elliot Maxwell, described as “a key advisor on digital economy issues in the Clinton Administration.”

The CED report concludes that intellectual property (IP) law and business practices designed for the trade of physical goods threaten economic development and innovation in digital information product markets such as software. It recommends several specific steps.”

The full report is available here. Here’s a podcast explaining open standards and open source, by Bob Sutor.

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