Read/Write Davos has never been so open

Davos is a meeting of the world political leaders and business leaders, with increasingly more fringe groups being included (Bono, Angelina Jolie, and religious leaders). Loic Le Meur ,the blogger Prime of France has been put in charge of opening up communication channels within the conference and its nocticeable. On his site you can already listen to interviews he is doing around the fringe, including already with sergey brin from google and many, many more! You can listen to podcasts and participate in webcasts on the main Davos site. So to the audience of this blog, i ask you to go to the World Economic Forum site or loic’s site or both, and listen to, or participate in the dicussions as your voice is important too in this world debate. It’s idealistic and heady stuff, but working together and finding creative solutions to solve world problems is crucial.
link to Davos site

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