Pure:Dyne is a GNU/Linux live distribution by artists for artists. A recent discussion on NetBehaviour looks at the history of the distro and at some of the issues facing media artists working with FLOSS.
“Marc invited two team members of the GOTO10 collective, Heather Corcoran and Aymeric Mansoux to discuss about pure:dyne on the Netbehaviour.org list.
The discussion took place between October 16th – 23rd Oct 08. An interview and an open discussion was joined by other list members of Netbehaviour.
pure:dyne is a GNU/Linux live distribution based on Debian. It is dedicated to live audiovisual processing and streaming, and focuses largely on the Pure Data audio synthesis system, although it also includes SuperCollider, Csound as well as live video-processing systems such as Packet Forth and Fluxus.
Another aspect of pure:dyne is that it is maintained by media artists for media artists.
The system provides particular optimizations at the kernel and compilation level to take the most out of i686 machines for real-time audio and video. As a consequence, this operating system is well suited for live performances and art installations. The modular aspect makes it easy for artists to customize and deploy it quickly to their own project needs.”
To read the full discussion go to – http://www.furtherfield.org/displayreview.php?review_id=322
GOTO10 also have a new book FLOSS+Art.
“FLOSS+Art critically reflects on the growing relationship between Free Software ideology, open content and digital art. It provides a view onto the social, political and economic myths and realities linked to this phenomenon.
With contributions from: Fabianne Balvedi, Florian Cramer, Sher Doruff, Nancy Mauro Flude, Olga Goriunova, Dave Griffiths, Ross Harley, Martin Howse, Shahee Ilyas, Ricardo Lafuente, Ivan Monroy Lopez, Thor Magnusson, Alex McLean, Rob Myers, Alejandra Maria Perez Nuñez, Eleonora Oreggia, oRx-qX, Julien Ottavi, Michael van Schaik, Femke Snelting, Pedro Soler, Hans Christoph Steiner, Prodromos Tsiavos, Simon Yuill
Compiled and edited by Aymeric Mansoux and Marloes de Valk.”
The book also features an new extended version of ‘Open Source Art again’ by Rob Myers which was reblogged here as ‘Rob Myers critique of Open Source’.
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