As I pursue a new career focused on the commons economy, messages from Idealist, Linkedin, OnRamp and Immigrant Spirit fill gmail account. While reading the notices I have noticed trends in the type of talent that projects are recruiting. One trend involves mapping commons ecosystems in a local region.
Open Map is an open source foundation for a variety of cartographic purposes. Yet a variety of new organizations are developing projects that document commons based resources. One such project is TransforMap.
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There are Plenty of Alternatives. TransforMap makes them visible.
It will give everybody the opportunity to map all the initiatives, communities, projects, worker-owned, self-managed, democratically organised companies and other institutions dedicated to meeting people’s needs, serving the common good and/or contributing to a sustainable way of life.
TransforMap will/can show all the places, spaces and networks that work on fostering cooperation and deepening human relationships through (co-)producing, exchanging, contributing, gifting and sharing, for a free, fair and sustainable world.
TransforMap invites all existing mapping initiatives to cooperate and co-create maps based on an open pool of data, a common taxonomy, free software and standardised APIs4. It will be/is published under an Open Data License.
Our world is transforming. There are old and new alternatives all over the planet. TransforMap will show you how to get there.
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Background about TransforMap:
TransforMap works towards an online-platform for you to visualize the myriads of alternatives to the dominant economic thinking on a single mapping system. It will give everybody the opportunity to map all the initiatives, communities, projects, worker-owned, self-managed, democratically organised companies and other institutions dedicated to meeting people’s needs, serving the common good and/or contributing to a sustainable way of life.
On this mediawiki you are able to view and edit the following TransforMap components in its early beginning. It is called TransformapS to stress the fact that there are many many maps that are showing the transformation. There are three components on this wiki:
- Collection of Points of Interest (POIs) (overview of last edits) – this is where you can add an initiative or an event relevant to TransforMap
- The Atlas – A Collection of Mapping Resources – here you can add existing maps and other mapping resources that are relevant for TransforMap
- Transformap Taxonomy – this is a place to work on TransforMap’s categories of initiatives
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You like the idea of TransforMap? You want to get involved?
Here are a few ways you can choose to contribute! Find the right place and task for you to become part of TranforMap! Add your questions and suggestions. Help us to integrate more people. W E L C O M E!
- You have a database of initiatives:
- Open your data and get in touch [add contact]: let’s discuss what kind of license will enable both maximum collaboration and the preservation of your interests
- Why not testing TransforMap’s Taxonomy version 1.0?
- You have programming skills or are an organization with such skills at hand? Contribute with programming, pool your technical resources with the TransforMap community. Visit to know what needs to be done on the software side (we’re working on making this more comprehensive, bear with us).
- You are well connected to the local alternatives of your city/region: why not running a local test mapping using TransforMap’s Taxonomy version 1.0. Check out the tools available here!
- You’ve got some other skills to volunteer? Support with any other means and get in touch via our globalmailing list [email protected]
There is an edit in the “You have programming skills” section . Have informed the transformap team . It has been updated there .