Project of the Day: Seeds and Sparks for Fair Trade in Film-making

Here is a short description of an interesting project recommended to us by Jennifer Sertl:

“We’re mostly a group of filmmakers who worked together on a feature film called Like the Water and decided we’d like to make films forever, but we wanted a friendlier environment in which to do it. One where all the hard work of independent filmmaking might pay off…with money you could live on. So we made Seed&Spark to bring fair trade to filmmaking. We have diverse backgrounds and varied tastes, but most of all we love films and filmmaking. We want to restore independence to independent filmmaking!

It’s an 80%-or-nothing crowdfunding method. That means once you have reached 80% of your fundraising goal, we give you the Green Light, and guarantee the release of funds to you.


We think your WishLists should be aspirational. Every indie filmmaker knows how to make that scene work with a little less money, and we don’t want the “all-or-nothing” method to scare you away from asking for all of what you need. Everything above the 80% is gravy, and you should have no excuse for not making the film you wanted just because you couldn’t get absolutely everything you needed.”

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