Project of the Day: Liquid Law

Liquid Law

A project to create simpler, cheaper and more natural agreements between people to undertake tasks or projects together

Originally at ; the project may be defunct.

“Liquid Law is a project to create simpler, cheaper and more natural agreements between people to undertake tasks or projects together. We aim to encourage collaboration in its widest sense by lowering the friction caused by the current complexity and uncertainties involved in the current system. Many early stage creative and social projects fail because of the difficulties of getting a clear agreement off the ground, and Liquid Law aims to address this need by making a range of intuitive and flexible “drag-and-drop” agreements available at as low a cost as possible.

Liquid Law is structured as a community of developers interested in creating products and services in this area. It seeks to establish common tools, and practices, to foster innovation and research. On behalf of our members we aim to create and promote an open market place for digital legal services. At its centre will be a software platform run on open source software, freely available to any organisation whether governmental, not-for-profit, or commercial. Our aim is to finance this initiative as a social business, in which we seek to invest any revenues into open source legal tools, for the wider benefit of society. Our revenue model will be based on membership services, advertising, or any premium services offered direct to the public.”

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