Welcome to the FundAction blog; please, make yourself at home!

We are a new peer-to-peer fund. We are run by a community of activists seeking social change in all corners of Europe. We are currently supported by a group of four funders.

Our activities are grounded in the following values:

Peer to peer respect

We learn from and with each other without hierarchy. We trust each other, and view respect as the root of good collaboration.

Openness and Inclusivity

FundAction seeks to expand and renew itself by being open to new people and ideas. An inclusive mindset is key to achieving this.

Democracy and Transparency

FundAction is run in a democratic way by the community. The process and outcomes are always visible, to contribute to engagement and accountability.

The Members Assembly is the cornerstone of the fund: a growing body of activist members who share the fund’s values and collaborate to:

  • Build a European-wide community based on exchange and collaboration;
  • Strengthen each other’s capacity;
  • Give grants to specific projects; and
  • Further develop the purpose and activities of FundAction

Much of our collaboration happens on the Online Assembly, a digital decision-making platform. Additionally, we meet at least once a year to learn from each other, discuss our activities and develop the strategic goals for the coming year. FundAction aims to be more than a peer to peer grantmaking platform. We see ourselves as a growing non-issue based activist community that also aims to challenge traditional philanthropy.

Next to the (online) assembly, a Facilitation Group is in charge of carrying out the daily work of the fund. We take care of communication, assure the workings of the online platform, expand the community, administer grants and sort out legal questions, just to name a few of our tasks.

Currently the Facilitation Group is composed of seven activists and a representative from one of the funders. Facilitation Group membership is rotating among members in order to periodically renew our perspective and include other voices, experiences and ideas. This blog is also managed by the FundAction facilitation group; here you will find articles, reflections and news about the fund.

Before FundAction even had a name, we had defined a set of values and principles. One of those core values is transparency. This blog is an attempt to share what has been going on at FundAction in an accessible manner. As much as we’d like to share every document and invite you all to our weekly calls, we thought it would be better to share some of our key decisions by asking FundAction Facilitation Group members to tell their story of how some of these decisions were made.

We would love to hear from you. Contact us or subscribe to our newsletter here. And check out our website. We hope you enjoy what you see!

Facilitation Group, FundAction.


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