Stefan Geyer interviews our good friend Josef Davies-Coates about open cooperatives, permaculture, United Diversity and the joys of being a cybrarian.
Apart from the stellar content, the show features some greasy funk between segments making for a very entertaining hour.
From the shownotes to the episode:
“Interviewing Cybrarian and Symbiotic Engineer Josef Davies-Coates, founder of United Diversity, all about Co-Operatives. How they function and why they are so popular these days. Mixing in some deep funk to keep you moving.
For more info about what he’s up to or to get involved go to:”
15th Sept 2013 with Josef Davies-Coates on Co-Operatives by 21st Century Permaculture on Mixcloud
Great to hear the permaculture word is spreading!! Keep it up.
We’re building a 10acre model permaculture farm in Northern Michigan (Zone 5b). You can check out the full detailed design plan, and support our cause here: