5 Comments Peer-to-Peer Digital Networking: How the Internet Should Work

  1. AvatarGreg S. Cassel

    Peer-to-Peer Digital Networking does already refer briefly to wireless internet service providers, and I believe that wireless is going to be the main way of the future. My references to wireless signaling will be greatly expanded in the future.

  2. AvatarSepp Hasslberger

    “…p2p net working technology is crucial to a sustainable future. However, it won’t get anyone out of the creative and social work we need to do together.”

    Yes, the technology is crucial but what we put on those communication lines has to reflect our own creative and social work. In other words, technology alone won’t do a thing. It cannot create. We have to do that, each one of us personally and individually.

    In my view, any restriction the technology introduces must not be a technological decision but a decision by those who are to use the technology to communicate.

  3. AvatarGreg S. Cassel

    ” In other words, technology alone won’t do a thing. It cannot create. We have to do that, each one of us personally and individually.” I certainly agree with that, Sepp! Most of my work is focused on human dialogue and co-creative process.

  4. AvatarJulia Lou Lila

    I agree with Greg here, Sepp ! His work definitely supports open cooperation with what is needed for ideal digital support of the same. With only very few slight differences to my own work of parts to be published, which i will comment on ! Greg has the outlook document, which is not public since spring 2016, a huge overlap with his work in a core area ! Planned through around 2011. Great to see his work !

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