Comments on: Paracity — A Peer-based Urban Organism in Taipei Researching, documenting and promoting peer to peer practices Sun, 11 May 2014 03:25:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Salvatore Iaconesi Sun, 11 May 2014 03:25:39 +0000 Wonderful indeed. Also fundamental, as Casagrande himself puts it, if you think about it in terms of “ruins”:

“The Third Generation City is the industrial city ruined by the people – human nature as part of nature.

Like a weed creeping into an air-conditioning machine the industrial city will be ruined by rumors and by stories. The common subconscious will surface to the street level and architecture will start constructing for the stories – for the urban narrative. This will be soft, organic and as an open source based media, the copyrights will be violated. The author will no longer be an architect or an urban planner, but somehow a bigger mind of people. In this sense the architects will be like design shamans merely interpreting what the bigger nature of the shared mind is transmitting.”

In this sense, the city becomes a form of open knowledge, a knowledge common, which not only supports, but also suggests and enables the expression, self-representation and the emergence of p2p relations among people and with the environment.

There is a great continuity between this and the “Third Space” by Edward Soja, and the “Third Landscape” by Gilles Clèment: revolutionary disseminated and emergent spaces for possibility, generating value from the differences and networked relations which are present (or which can be created) in the natural, social, political and economic ecosystem.

For example, we integrate this concept with social networks and with internet of things, forming the “Third Infoscape” of the city, the city’s Knowledge Common in this sense.

More info about the Third Infoscape
