Searched for "Peer Governance and Wikipedia,"

Green Governance 5: The Commons as a Growing Global Movement

This is the fifth of a series of six essays by Professor Burns Weston and me, derived from our book Green Governance:  Ecological Survival, Human Rights and the Law of the Commons, published by Cambridge University Press. The essays originally appeared on CSRWire. I am re-posting them here to introduce the paperback edition, which was recently released. This extract… Continue reading

New Campaign on Basic Income and Peer Production

“My research project is an exploration of an alternative way of organizing the production, outside of the capitalist logic based on the obligation to work, separation between producers and consumers, and the orientation on profit and not the benefit.” Please support this very important campaign from P2P Foundation-associated researcher Katarzyna Gajewska. You can find the… Continue reading

Podcast of the Day: A peer to peer approach to governance, production and distribution of knowledge

James Alexander Arnfinsen interviews Michel Bauwens for From the shownotes to the episode: “In this episode I´m joined by Michel Bauwens, who is the founder of P2P-foundation which works to promote, research and develop different forms of peer to peer practices. He starts out by describing his engagement with civic entrepreneurship, where the P2P-foundation… Continue reading

Essay of the Day: Authority and Governance as the Next Great Internet Disruption

The OMS platform has sweeping implications for political governance in both theoretical and practical terms. It could transform the role of the State by empowering citizens to devise new forms of self-actualized institutions. These institutions would likely provide greater social legitimacy, efficacy and adaptability than conventional government. Instead of regarding political authority as something inherent… Continue reading

Preserving elite knowledge in systems of peer governance

How to deal with elite knowledge, without reverting to Elitism, Celebrity and Oligarchy? The following is excerpted from another brilliant contribution on the development of a peer governance practice and theory, by “Georgie BC” (Heather Marsh). Key thesis: “The key to preventing elite knowledge from becoming a tyrannical oligarchy is to maintain control by the… Continue reading

A key feature of peer production: How a Stigmergy of Actions Replaces Representation of Persons

“A new system of governance or collaboration that does not follow a competitive hierarchical model will need to employ stigmergy in most of its action based systems. It is neither reasonable nor desirable for individual thought and action to be subjugated to group consensus in matters which do not affect the group, and it is… Continue reading

The Triune Peer Governance of the Digital Commons

The following is one of my contributions to the excellent book of readings on the commons: The Wealth of the Commons, edited by David Bollier and Silke Helfrich. Michel Bauwens: “In a foundational essay, “The Political Economy of Peer Production” (Bauwens 2006), I defined commons-based peer production in two different ways. The first perspective draws… Continue reading

Background to the Fifth Free Culture Forum: the history and future of free culture

The fifth FC Forum will be held October 25 and after in Barcelona. Excellent thoughtpiece by Marco Berlinguer: “In this article my aim is to give a picture of the experiences which represent the background of the FCF, presenting some its salient characteristics and achievements. In the second part I will discuss some questions of… Continue reading

Essay of the Day: Centralized cloud environments vs. Decentralized alternatives for peer-production

* Article: The Commodification of Information Commons. By Primavera De Filippi and Miguel Said Vieira. Today, a follow-up of yesterday’s first excerpt on enclosures through the cloud. What can we do against it? GOVERNANCE AND ARCHITECTURE DESIGN, By Primavera De Filippi and Miguel Said Vieira: a. Decentralized peer-production “As mentioned in previous sections, most (successful)… Continue reading

Towards The Partner State Model of Civic Commons Governance

A reprint of an earlier editorial: “Can we learn something about the politics of the new mode of value creation, something that would be useful not just for particular communities, but to society in general? Is there perhaps a new model of power and democracy co-evolving out of these new social practices, which may be… Continue reading

Co-Production of public services and Co-Governance of public policies in Europe: progress report

It is worth noting that both co-production and co-management take place on the output or implementation side of the political system, once a public policy has been determined. Co-governance, on the other hand, is usually found only on the input side, and involves the third- sector and other private actors in the determination of public… Continue reading

P2P Production and new institutional design

* Essay: The political economy of information production in the Social Web: chances for reflection on our institutional design. Vasilis Kostakis. Contemporary Social Science. June 2012 Our P2P Foundation Greece collaborator has published a new scientific paper: “This paper is based on the idea that information production on theWeb is mainly taking place within either… Continue reading

Essay of the Day: Mediating Democracy Through Proxy Voting and Shadow Parliaments

Excerpted from Smari McCarthy‘s contribution to the book Redvolution: “Societies are messy. They are complex. Wherever people meet, there are interpersonal relationships, resource feuds, social problems and political strife. All of this complexity is managed on regional and global levels, on municipal and international levels, by everybody, all of the time. As it turns out,… Continue reading

George Dafermos on the Peer Governance of Open Source Projects

Source: Interview conducted by Michel Bauwens and Neal Gorenflo While peer production is now well-known after the pioneering work of Yochai Benkler and the evident success of open-source software, the governance of these communities is the subject of much less debate and study. Yet, evaluation of governance is crucial, as there can’t really be any… Continue reading