Organisation 4.0: Rising of the revolutionary ne(t)worganisation

New organising is networganising which is different than both organising and networking performed by traditional organisation and network. It is a higher level synthesis of the best parts of the two and that goes beyond the practices of pre-synthesis  hybrid forms networked organisation (networg) and organised network (orgnet). Networganising is what a networganisation does in order to reach out like minded, key peers, link them and their network base into each other while shaping a dynamic program and space in a peer to peer way. Networganisation eventually hyper-empowers all the nodes involved with its higher level capability of synthesis and embeddedness of the peer to peer relational dynamics and the peer to peer technologies into the networganising practice; its internal socialisation processes as well as its relationships with external entities. Networganisation will be replacing the organisation in the approaching era.


Networganising is what a networganisation does in order to reach out likeminded, key peers, to link them and their network base into each other while shaping a dynamic program and space in a peer to peer way. Networganising does not only involve convincing people to join in a rank-and-file army in order to form collective identities, or locking people into an existing or emerging agenda to make the desired impact stronger. Neither is it simply creating opportunity links, hubs and webs to reach certain goals in an easiest, cheapest and fastest way. Ideally, as the synthesis of the best qualities of the organisation and network, a networganisation would utilize its capacity to reach a critical mass of active networked peerage base in an optimum time frame, by utilizing existing online and offline network infrastructures and able to set the existing capabilities in a networked manner towards shared goals.

The expected outcome of a networganising activity would therefore  be a hyperempowered p2p networganisation.

Hactivist networganisations like Anonymous and whistle blowing networganisation Wikileaks have been using networganising as their core activity to link up with new peers and hyperempower many others. The most noble networganisation emerging in front of our eyes is the movement (15M>Occupy>…?) galvanizing all the previous era experiences, energies and turning them into a massive moving rEvolutionary networganiation, that has already proven its potential, and as it connects regional networganisations in the one that goes beyond Americas and Europe that brings about a distributed mass power that can change the entire civilisation.


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