Open Source Ecology Brochure

The official trifold brochure for Open Source Ecology is now available:

You can download a ZIP file containing the brochure in GIMP or Photoshop and jpg format. There are 2 pages, front and back. If you are printing these, make sure that you use the Rockwell font, which is also included in the download.

As you may see in the trifold, we have now reached the 300 True Fan Mark:

As of today, our actual number is 311. So if you like to see this work continue exploding, you can commit to $10 or more per month by subscribing as a True Fan.

Our numbers are showing explosive growth, and there are large numbers of technical contributors continuing to join the project, especially after my TED Talk. We are also joining efforts with Solar Fire – the open source solar concentrator project. Now this is just too much good news for one day, so I will dedicate tomorrow’s blog post to this exciting development. Thanks to Isaiah for producing the trifold – another great job by our Media Director. Isaiah is the key player behind the scenes who is helping to set new standards with our media presence, such as his direction on my TED Talk. Isaiah will also be organizing the marketing campaign for the Solar Microfactory and Nanohabitat Kickstarter event. We expect this to be yet another hit, even larger that the Solar Fire collaboration. Stay tuned.

In the meantime, print a few brochures and pass them out to your friends. Help us spread the word and recruit more True Fans and technical contributors. We want to print some of these brochures ourselves, so if you have a spare color printer and you can donate it to us, please email me at opensourceecology at gmail dot com.

Our main need right now is a full-time project manager – someone with Systems Engineering and Management experience who can assist in the technological integration work. I can handle managing about 12 projects at a time of the 50 total. We are also looking for more fabricators to join us at Factor e Farm – to help in the production run, and liberate my time for more of the technical development work. We are serious about setting new standards as a Distributive Enterprise – and we are calling out for others to adopt the same practice.

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