Open Data, Open Society is a research project about openness of public data in EU local administrations by for the Laboratory of Economics and Management of Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa.
The first report of the project, released in October 2010 under a Creative Commons cc-by license, can be downloaded from the website of the DIME project (PDF) or read online as one HTML file on the Sant’Anna School website (*).
The conclusions of the project, a shorter report titled “Open Data: Emerging trends, issues and best practices” and finished in June 2011, are now available online under the same license at the following locations:
Another part of the project, the Open Data, Open Society survey has been extended until the end of 2011. Thank you in advance for announcing the survey to all the city and regional administrations of EU-15 and, if you want, to add further translations of its introduction!
(*) if you wish to comment on individual parts of that first report, you can do it here. Thanks in advance for your feedback!