Siôn Whellens, Co-Founder of the Worker Co-op Solidarity Fund provides a brilliant explanation of cooperatives (from Youtube).
Siôn Whellens, Co-Founder of the Worker Co-op Solidarity Fund, Dave Boyle, Founder of The Community Shares Company, and Alex Bird, Chair of Co-operatives and Mutuals Wales, leading a practical session on How to start a co-op, covering legal entities, model rules and governing documents.
A hands-on session looking at the various legal models co-ops can take and how easy it is to set up as a co-op, with plenty of opportunities to ask questions and access Sion and Alex’s deep knowledge of the UK co-op sector.
Siôn is a member of Calverts, the London branding, design and print co-operative, and a co-op business adviser with Principle Six, a development partnership focusing particularly on workers’ and community co-operatives.
He is a founder member of the Worker Co-operative Solidarity Fund, serves on the Worker Co-operative Council, and represents the UK at CECOP, the European Federation of Co-ops in Industry and Services.
Siôn has also served as a director of Co-operatives UK. He is active in Co-operatives London, the network for all kinds of co-ops in the capital.