“99% – The Occupy Wall Street Collaborative Film is just that – a feature film created by a stunning mass of over 75 independent filmmakers, photographers, videographers and editors across the country. The project was conceived of by filmmakers Audrey Ewell and Aaron Aites in the early weeks of the first encampment in Zuccotti Park, New York City. With such a massive collaborative effort, the film features footage from across the country, including some of the more notable encampments in NYC, Los Angeles, and Oakland. The filmmakers have just announced a special online preview screening of footage from the film for January 7, taking place on the nifty in-home viewing platform, Constellation. The preview screening will not only provide a first look at the film as it takes shape, it will also provide a fundraising opportunity for the filmmakers, through their Kickstarter campaign.” (http://www.filmschoolrejects.com/news/99-the-occupy-wall-street-collaborative-film-online-screening-kerbl.php)