Program of the Commons Day, Friday 28.9 Co-organised day on peer-to-peer production and commons by online journal, Helsinki Timebank and the University of Helsinki All events are open to all, and will be held in English. Research Seminar : How To Research the Commons in the Age of Global Capitalism? Time : 10:15-12:45 Place : Seminar room 3 (Unioninkatu 37) Research seminar focuses on relation between the commons and world politics. Three short presentations will be heard about the commons and their relevance to world political research. Professor of World Politics Teivo Teivainen and P2P-researcher Michel Bauwens will give comments on presentations. This will be followed by open discussion. The meeting is part of professor Teivo Teivainen’s seminar “Advanced Research Seminar on Global Capitalism” at the Department of Political and Economic Studies at the University of Helsinki. Lecture: Michel Bauwens – Peer-to-peer Production and the Coming of the Commons Time : 14:15-15:45, Place : Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, lecture hall (Fabianinkatu 24) Open lecture by Michel Bauwens, Internationally known researcher of peer to peer production and founder of the Foundation for P2P Alternatives. Roundtable Discussion on Commons and Co-production Time : 18:00-20:00 Place : Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, ´Commons room’ (Fabianinkatu 24) Discussion continues on the themes of the previous lecture.