A heads up to all New Zealand Commoners: P2P Foundation founder Michel Bauwens will be in town from November 24 to December 2nd. Catch him if you can. The following text is extracted from this most charming url: http://www.enspiral.com/
Michel Bauwens NZ Lecture Tour: P2P Design, Open Source Collaboration, & the Sharing Economy
Founder and Director, P2P Foundation
The leading chronicler of commons-based peer production is coming to New Zealand. From P2P design to open source collaboration to the sharing economy, new forms of cooperation, value creation, and distribution are emerging.
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Public Events Schedule
Wednesday 25th Nov, 6PM
Workshop at BizDojo (Collider) Wellington
Why the sharing economy is important for Wellington and you
115 Tory Street, Wellington
Free, book here
Friday 27th Nov, 5PM
Open Design and the P2P Revolution: Knowledge Transference in the Networked Commons
Victoria University School of Design
139 Vivian Street, Te Aro, Wellington
Free, no need to book
Wednesday, December 2nd, 6PM
Beyond Capitalism: An exploration of peer production, governance and property in the new economy
Christ’s College Old Boys’ Theatre
$10 – booking info coming soon
Tuesday 24th November, 6PM
Auckland Art Gallery – Toi o Tamaki
Sharing economy and p2p design – the international movement
Supported by the AUT School of Art + Design
Auditorium, ground floor, corner Kitchener & Wellesley Streets
Free, no need to book
Thursday 26th Nov, 7:30PM
Global economies – Creating wealth through sharing
Part of Creative Summit for TEZA
TEZA hub, Lydney Place, Porirua City
Free, no need to book
Monday 30th Nov, 5:30PM
Culture, Technology and Business in a Peer-Driven Economy
Dunedin School of Art
Lecture Theatre P152, P Block, Riego Street, Dunedin
Free, no need to book
For enquiries, email [email protected]