* Naomi Klein on the Context for OccupyWallStreet
Video conversation with Thomas Hartmann
* Jeffrey Sachs supports the movement:
Very eloquent defense, strongly recommended, this is an impromptu interview on the streets:
* Our One Demand
Productive anger of Dylan Ratigan at the corruption of the U.S. democratic system, on mainstream TV:
* I’m Not Moving
This video counterposes sanctimonious solidarity with the Middle Eastern uprisings, with police repression of the peaceful #ows demonstrators:
* Jon Þor Olafsson on the crucial role of social media in current global mobilizations
Jo?n Þo?r O?lafsson on Transatlantic Influence from KS12 on Vimeo.
(Jon has produced a political game manual for strategically inclined activists, The Game of Politics – Game Manual, and helped secure four Icelandic parliamentary seats as the executive manager of The Citizens Movement in Iceland (now The Movement) a grassroots political party that had 9 weeks from inception until the elections in the spring of 2009. His love for wisdom is still in bloom but has yet to bear fruit)
* Charlie Rose conversation on #OccupyWallStreet
“Analysis of the Occupy Wall Street Protests with Paul Krugman of ‘The New York Times,’ Jared Bernstein of CNBC, protester Bill Buster & Marshall Ganz of the Kennedy School at Harvard University.”
Watch the program here.
* Chris Hedges Shares His Thoughts on Occupy Wall Street: only civil disobedience will save us
Chris Hedges took time on Thursday to speak with Alyona Minkovski from the Washington, D.C., bureau of Russian news network RT about his thoughts on the growing Occupy Wall Street movement.