The following report details four training workshops which took place as part of the Open Design and Manufacturing project this year. These were:
- Design Driven Strategies for Manufacture 4.0 and Social Innovation. Florence (Italy)
- Open Design and Manufacturing through event-based learning. Dabrowa Gornicza and Lodz (Poland)
- Citizens Centered Innovation and Design for Open and Distributed Manufacture. London (UK)
- Prototyping Artisan – A Designer who makes. Bilbao (Spain)
Introduction to the workshops
The report contains a presentation of the four training activities implemented by the OD&M Alliance between October 2018 and June 2019, respectively in Italy, UK, Spain and Poland.
The trainings have been developed, in the first instance, on the basis of the insights gathered through the exploratory study implemented by the Alliance over the course of 2017 . The study was aimed at achieving in depth understanding of the types of collaborations that Universities, communities of makers and firms across Europe and China are currently developing around the making culture and, by extension, open design and manufacturing. Besides, the study was aimed at gathering insights about possible innovations in higher education – including curricula and teaching and learning methods – that would lead to better and increased cross-sectoral synergies in the emerging OD&M field.
The training projects have been further advanced through a round of co-design implemented first at the international level (see London Co-design workshop Report available at, and then at the local levels of the four EU nodes, with the involvement of local stakeholders and external experts.
These co-design activities, which included workshops, desk research and stakeholder consultation, have led to the identification of key characteristics of each training, in terms of strategic positioning, target-group(s), types of learning challenges, learning outcomes and assessment and validation of competencies. More broadly, the trainings have been operating as testbeds for prototyping possible innovations within the higher education institutions involved, in order to explore the application of open design & manufacturing as a means to drive new cross-sectoral alliances, as well as to boost new knowledge and skills via new teaching and learning methods.
The document contains a summary of the activities implemented, methodology applied, learning challenges explored in each node and prototypes realized. More qualitative results and outcomes stemming from the training are instead documented in the final impact report (D5.3).
OD&M Team, June 2019
Download the report here: OD&M Training and Activities
Lead image: WeMake Open Design by wemake_cc