Comments on: How does the world change? Through networks and emergence. Researching, documenting and promoting peer to peer practices Sun, 17 May 2009 15:40:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Adam Tue, 23 Jan 2007 05:36:01 +0000 I think emergence is just one side to the equation, the other is structure. The Berlin wall fell not only because there were emerging networks of people who wanted something different, but also because there was an opening in what social movement scholars call ‘the political opportunity structure’ due to the gradual decay of the old system. The French revolution is a case in point. There had been emerging networks of dissent in Paris for more than a century, but only when the parliament was convened and subsequently collapsed could there be a ‘revolution’. Its important not to forget this side of things. People can network as much as we want, but as long as the structure of the ruling system is intact, that networking will have very few effects.

By: Michel Bauwens Mon, 22 Jan 2007 09:45:46 +0000 As far as I can see this process of emergence can be applied to all kinds of networks; including those with negative intent or effects; so I think your comment is correct.

By: Tom Armstrong Sun, 21 Jan 2007 23:30:17 +0000 Is this a system to manifest change, used positively, but that can be used negatively, e.g., the Nazis in the 30s, the Soviet Union forming, the Berlin wall going up?

The message I got from reading Berreby’s book, Us and Them, is that the cause of prejudice and discord is not differences in people, it is the banding that people do themselves in creating groups and subgroups. Grouping, itself, creates friction; it is not friction that causes us to band together in groups.

It seems to me this essay is at odds with ‘kind’ scientists’ thinking these days.

Please show me where I’m wrong.
