HitRECord is a company that brings together creative artists to share and re-mix their works, and to turn these works into products that will bring in a financial return.
While HitRECord is a for-profit enterprise, their business model is all about sharing and re-mixing the creative output of writers, musicians, film makers, photographers, illustrators, animators and photoshop wizards. The company initiates collaboration projects and markets the final output of those efforts. Any profit is split 50/50 between the company and the artists involved in the creation.
Their website – http://hitrecord.org/
has a video presentation explaining how this works.
From their page of recently completed projects:
‘RECollection: Volume 1’ is the first anthology of hitRECord’s work, featuring the contributions of 471 collaborators. It consists of a book, a DVD with 36 collaboratively created short movies, and a CD.
“When a RECord becomes a “Production” it means that hitRECord.org is planning to publish/distribute the content for money. Perhaps it will become a book, or part of a short film anthology. Perhaps it will make it on TV! After costs, hitRECord.org splits the money it makes 50-50 with those Artists whose work is included in the Production.
EXAMPLE: Say we all made a short film together, and somehow hitRECord.org managed to turn it into a money-making production. Fifty percent of that money would go to hitRECord.org LLC, our official business entity, which maintains the site, funds future projects, and pays a small team of professionals whose job it is to design, produce and direct hitRECord productions. The other fifty percent goes to all the contributors whose RECords are resourced in the production. The writer, the actors, the animators, the musicians, the editors, everybody who had a hand in creating the final short film gets their fair share based on how much they contributed.”