How p2p relationality overcomes the ‘law of equivalence’ through equipotentiality

Capitalism uses market pricing to compare goods, but this ‘law of equivalence’, also allows us to compare people according to various external criteria and this rankism has been one of the key characteristics of modernity.

Peer to peer relationaly, by contrast, is based on the principle of Equipotentiality:

“This means that everyone can potentially cooperate in a project, that no authority can pre-judge the ability to cooperate, but that the quality of cooperation-through-contributions is then judged by the community of peers, i.e. through Communal Validation. In equipotential projects, participants self-select themselves to the module to which they feel able to contribute.” Persons are therefore seen as a varied collection of capacities, in some of which the person can excell over some others, but there is no overall ranking as compared to others.

The law of equivalence, which has dominated the modern period, is explained very well by anthropologist Harry Walker in this talk on the “Anthropology of the Common”.

1 Comment How p2p relationality overcomes the ‘law of equivalence’ through equipotentiality

  1. AvatarRouvreau Vincent

    Bjr M. Bauwens

    Je suis Directeur de la Communication de la CCI des Deux-Sevres a Niort (France). Nous organisons le 10 septembre prochain une conférence/débat sur l’impact de l’économie collaborative. Mon Président Philippe DUTRUC également Vice-President de CCI France serait heureux de vous accueillir sur cette table ronde afin que vous puissiez faire partager vos travaux et analyses pertinents sur ce thème de l’économie collaborative.
    Si vous n’êtes pas disponible ce jour, nous pouvons recueillir votre témoignage en vidéo.

    En espérant que vous reprendre contact avec moi afin de connaître vos modalités d’intervention en direct ou en vidéo

    Bien cordialement
    Vincent Rouvreau

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