Google censors bloggers for copyright police

Via the Palms Out Sounds remix blog:

Google, the IFPI & the RIAA have begun a campaign against all the music blogs hosted on – especially high profile blogs, like Palms Out.

This first started a couple of months ago, but only hit Palms Out about a month ago.

Without warning, Google removed three old posts from the blog, and offered no explanation. They then followed by removing Remix Sunday 131, and 132- and offered a brief explanation. Keep in mind, there is no actual copyrighted content uploaded by Palms Out that is hosted on any of Google’s servers, only hyperlinks.”

Check out why Michael Zimmer thinks that Google is increasingly evil:

– its complicity with Chinese censorship,

– its reluctance to include a direct link to its privacy policy on its homepage,

– its resistance to limiting the duration of its data retention or to even use a cookie with an expiration date,

– its continued opposition to shareholder anti-censorhip and human rights proposals,

– its lack of foresight on how to protect privacy in public with Street View, and

– its general disregard for the need for its computer scientists and engineers to place values at the forefront of their design decisions

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