Freedom Tower and the Autonomous Internet – Peer to Peer User-Owned Communications and Computing Infrastructure

In a comprehensive report, Gordon Cook brings together a collection of articles and interviews, specifications and outlooks on the subject of the user-owned mesh communications infrastructure that was experimentally introduced and run by Isaac Wilder at Occupy Wallstreet’s Zuccotti Park.

Isaac is also one of the initiators of the Free Network Foundation, a non profit that has a precise target: the prototyping and construction of citizen-owned network infrastructure everywhere. The report takes a look at that as well. It is available for download as a PDF (59 pages) here:

Peer to Peer User Owned Communications Infrastructure


Introduction: Time to Build

The Arrogance of Power
— Who Smashed the Laptops from Occupy Wall Street?
— Inside the NYPD’s Lost and Found

Occupy’s Internet Tower Will Live On, For Now

Isaac and the Freedom Tower at Contactcon October 20, 2011

Freedom Tower Materials and Assembly

Ends and Means of the Free Network Movement

A Look Inside the FreeNetwork Foundation Network Operations Center

On the Freedom Node

(via the Public Intelligence Blog):

“This is a hugely important reference work, the first of its kind, and very strongly recommended to all who care about human dignity, human freedom, and human evolution.”