The following is extracted from Procomuns’ newsletter- Sign up here.
In this second newsletter from we want to refer to the new European Collaborative Economy agenda, which establishes guidelines for Member States on how they should regulate and what should be the Collaborative Economy policy of Members States. Is also an invitation to rethink those guidelines with a focus on the Procomuns declaration and its recommendations for Commons oriented policies, as well as with the perspective of platform cooperativism from Trebor Scholz. Also, Thursday 9th June at 18:30h (Barcelona local time), we have organized the first Procomuns meet up with the debate “From the corporate sharing economy to platform cooperativism” with Scholz, taking place at CCCB (Barcelona) and online here
European collaborative economy agenda
The European Commission just made public on June 2nd its agenda for the Collaborative Economy:
Moreover, the agenda does not pay enough attention to the dilemmas and the needs for protecting citizens producers and workers. It is positive that the Commission emphasizes the qualities of collaborative economy on environmental impacts; but is not considering that, apart from the impact on the natural environment, the collaborative economy mainly takes place on the Internet, so we must also keep in mind the impact of different models on the internet sustainabilit. . Models based on open protocols, open data and open source are more beneficials to Internet preservation itself, and facilitate the impact assessment and collaborative economy management by citizens and administrations.
Finally, since important impacts are taking place nowadays -especially in cities- but many effects of the collaborative economy are still unknown, we believe that the European Commission should aim at the role of governments to preserve the general interest, enhancing models that could better give answer to social challenges, with open information processes and consulting citizens.
Here you can find more initial reactions to the Agenda by members of BarCola (node on collaborative economy and commons production in Barcelona): Mayo Fuster from (in Catalan)
1st Procomuns meet up: Platform Cooperativism with Trebor Scholz
We would also like to invite you to the Procomuns firts meet up event that will take place on Thursday 9th June at 18:30h in Barcelona (CCCB) and through streaming under the title “From the corporate sharing economy to platform cooperativism”, with the participation of Trebor Scholz presenting and discussing platform cooperativism and Mayo Fuster about the Collaborative Economy public policies resulting from Procomuns (
“From the corporate sharing economy to ”
Thursday, 9th June at 18:30 (CET) – 20:30 followed by a networking meet up.
C/ Montalegre, 5, 08001 Barcelona (Sala Mirador)
Video streaming:
(Simultaneous translation from English to Spanish will be available).
For more information about the event and for signing up:
This procomuns meet up is organized with Dimmons and CCCB support, in collaboration of Barcelona Activa, and P2Pvalue project.
Barcelona OSCEdays and other local activities
This visit from Trebor Scholz is also connected to OSCEdays 2016, which will also take place in Barcelona:
There, on Saturday 11th at Fabra i Coats (Carrer de Sant Adrià , 20) we will organise several sessions among the many that have been proposed: a discussion about business models for open projects of circular economy; a collective interview with Trebor Scholz; the presentation of non-profit open source exchange platforms; a debate on licenses for the Commons and another one about the European economy collaborative agenda in the light of the Procomuns’ recommendations of public policies.
And there’s still other important local events in the agenda!
On 17th June Netcommons, a European research project on open, neutral and free networks, organises a workshop about network infrastructure community :
On 18th and 19th June there will be the next edition SAX (Salut, Amor i Xarxa), the yearly community gathering of the guifi·net community:
On 6th July in Barcelona Activa the European project Digital DIY is organising workshops and talks about low cost prototyping and manufacturing of physical artefacts from digital specifications: https://didiyproject.hackpad.c
Ah, and save the dates for OuiShare Fest Barcelona the 25th-27th October…
Facilitated by BarCola (node on collaborative economy and commons production in Barcelona) and the research group at IN3-UOC, with support from the P2Pvalue project ( at the local level)