Article: Escape into the City: Everyday Practices of Commoning and the Production of Urban Space in Dublin. By Patrick Bresnihan and Michael Byrne.
From the Abstract:
“In Dublin there are many needs and desires which are not met, or excluded,by the pattern of high rent, the commodification of social/cultural life, and the regulation of public space. Against this dynamic, Dublin has seen a number of experiments in urban commoning: people collectively finding ways of opening up space in order to do what they want. This might be as simple as wanting a space to work, to make food or to show films. Rather than trying to change this situation by appealing to existing institutions,these new urban commons are characterized by particular groups of people devising practical ways of escaping the forms of enclosure which limit what can happen in the city. This article takes a militant research approach to explore the potentials and limitations of these experiments in urban production and organization.”