* Article: Peer Power and User Led Organisations (ULOs) by Simon Duffy
Excerpted from the concluding chapter:
“Citizen groups committed to mutual self-help flow naturally into:
* championing positive change
* advocating for people’s rights
* developing business opportunities
* building wider networks
Several patterns of development emerge for ULOs, and it is important to maintain some balance between each:
1. Self-help – this can become stronger – although as it grows it may need to change shape and develop a more cellular structure.
2. System advocacy – helping society and public bodies to imagine a better system for everyone.
3. Direct advocacy – ensuring people get what they are entitled to, challenging bad practice and helping people stick up for themselves.
4. Business development – reaching out to community, looking for opportunities to people to produce solutions together, bringing together people with the same needs.
5. Network building – creating broader alliances for change, both within and beyond any initial community.
If statutory authorities and welfare-service provision agencies are going to move away from their current patronising, wasteful and institutional approaches then they will need to really respect their own communities:
* stop talking about tendering and procurement – start building real partnerships
* stop undermining local citizens – start respecting and celebrating local achievements
* stop wasting money – start reforming their own services in partnership with local people
* stop consulting people – start shifting real power and control to people”