The following article by Karin Bradley and Daniel Pargman published recently at Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, is of particular interest because it concludes, after reviewing 3 case studies in Sweden, that the new urban and digital commons DO NOT seem to follow the eight governance rules outlines after decades of research into traditional commons by Elinor Ostrom and her school of research.
This very much echoes the findings of the P2P Foundation over the last ten years of closely observing new commons. Find out more in the article:
“This article aims to make a contribution to the debate on how contemporary collaborative commons, as part of the wider sharing economy, can be understood and supported. Three cases of contemporary commons are analysed: a DIY bike repair studio, a pop-up home office concept and Wikipedia. The article shows how the design principles developed for governing natural resource commons are only partly applicable to these contemporary commons. It also illustrates the differences in these types of commons in terms of the nature of the resource being shared, scarcity, barriers to entry and how rules are formulated and upheld.”